Price starts from 16" and 130% density with remy hair texture. This kinky straight human hair wig is highly recommended by all our Youtube girls who have tried this.
If you want to customize this wig, like the lace color, cap size, silk top or something like that, please check out this wig.
We offer FREE SHIPPING on orders over $99 to US, Canada, Australia, UK and most of the Western European countries.
Normally, we ship your package by FedEx, TNT, DHL, e-package or UTE, according to the destination. But if you have special requests, please leave a message when placing your order.
And your wig processing time is differently according to the item collection you ordered. So, the total delivery time depends on the units you ordered.
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Read our return & exchange policy, and then fill in the return & exchange form to request a return or exchange within 48 hours after receiving the package. After the return or exchange request has been authorized, ship the items and the exchange form back to the address we gave you.
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